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  • Full of Faith

Waiting... on God's provision

God provides for His people. Always! There are times He provides in ways:

  • we can see

  • we can't see

  • while we wait

There are countless times in my life that I have seen the provision of the Lord! It's so reassuring! And, there's times I have NOT seen the provision of the Lord. It's been frustrating. But I'm clinging to the truth of His Word that He provides for His people. So I trust Him. ----- SEASONS OF WAITING About the waiting... I'd like to talk about that :) Tonight I was reflecting on God's provision for me while I was waiting (sometimes I wasn't happy about it. Other times I was okay.). Here's some thoughts about God's provision while we wait: (Note: read at your own discretion. Lol) So, sometimes we can be waiting... And like, just not happy about it. But, if God is allowing us to wait, then He has a purpose. Let me share what He's opened my eyes to - regarding the waiting period, and how it is totally worth it. ---------- WHILE I'M WAITING: Even though we may not be getting things what we want (desires) in the timing we want (impatient), does not mean He won't provide for our needs. And, when it seems like we're not getting what we need when we need it... Then, well let me suggest that we need a perspective shift, so we can see that we already HAVE what we need. ("The Lord is my shepherd. I have all that I need." -Psalms 23:1) Here's some areas of my life you might be dealing with. I have :) ---- AREAS OF LIFE... JUST WAITIN: 1.) You may be in need of food - whether that be because you aren't able to get food or because God is calling you to fast. What do you do in those moments? Pray! And then look for opportunities to work for food. Or even getting food assistance from the church or community nonprofits. Then pray and wait on God to sustain you. He is your strength, after all! (Phil 4:13) About fasting, I'd love to share with you some benefits (refraining from food for a time so that God can refine you)... When it comes to fasting, God provides: •spiritual food (Word & prayer) during fasting •spiritual fruit, physical food, joy, more intimacy with Christ, freedom from sinful patterns, spiritual growth, maturity in Christ, more pure/holy desires, etc afterwards (Wow! Look at some of the benefits after fasting!) --- 2.) Waiting on future husband. No matter how difficult it can be, God has a purpose in His perfect timing. When you feel you need a future husband, wait on God. Allow Him to give you: •Understanding of your identity in Christ along •Understanding of God as your groom •Revelation on the meaning/purpose of marriage •peace and contentment in your current season •healthy friendships •more time to spend with family •more opportunities to share the Gospel with others! •more grace and transformation... To become the wife you're called to be. 3.) Lastly, you may be in a place where you are waiting to get a car... Well, this is a great time of provision from the Lord: •opportunity to become financially stability •gaining Wisdom on finances (and how to save up) - by reading His Word •Alternative methods of transportation (riding the bus, asking a co-worker for ride, asking family, etc) •building new friendships with people you ride with (or meet on the bus) •spiritually growing - by trusting God (even when you can't see it) •develop humility and peace (despite feeling "out of control") There are so many areas of our lives where we could be waiting. Waiting for healing. Waiting for career/education. Waiting for things to get better in your relationships. Waiting for freedom from addiction. Waiting to see the fruit of your efforts. Waiting for Jesus return (Ahhh, yes! The best thing to wait for!) All these different areas of life often include seasons of waiting... And wondering why (it seems like) God is not providing during that. But can I tell you, He is providing. It's who He is and it's what He does. May HE (only He can do this) open your eyes to SEE *His provision*, even if that means recognizing that His provision isn't the same as what you expect Him to provide. ---------- AFTER THE WAITING: And then... When we pass the test (the waiting season), God blesses us with the thing we wanted/needed, and more! Family! Tools like cars, jobs, etc. Food! Wisdom & understanding (which can be found in His Word) Greater trust in The Lord More obedience/commitment to follow the Lord Healthier perspective So much more ------ Waiting seasons are good, even though they may be difficult. Pray in those seasons! Leaning on God (more than you used to) will help you be more at peace during the waiting, as well as come out stronger. May your time of waiting be blessed, fruitful and hopeful as you draw you closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. #Jesus #waiting #Godprovides

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